Gas Prices Too High? Email Large Files Instead!

email large files and save on shipping costsNobody likes to pay more at the pump – it makes something as simple as going to get groceries a much bigger pain than anyone would like. As recently pointed out National Journal:

“The global oil market is incredibly volatile. Unpredictable events like political unrest and natural disasters can spike the price of a barrel, translating into higher gasoline prices. Moreover, the long term price trend in the oil market is very clear – prices have risen for decades, and they will continue to. This has a significant impact on both business and households, driving up transportation costs as well as the cost of anything that relies on petroleum during either production or delivery to market.”

And there, as the Bard used to say, is the rub: soaring oil and gas prices affect much more than just how much you have to pay to drive your car around – especially when the global economy is still on shaky footing. Increased transportation costs (airline fares, shipping rates, etc.) raise the price of a wide swath of goods and services. This creates a “domino effect” as these increased prices are passed on from business to business to business, until they eventually reach the individual consumer. Everyone is affected.

Let’s say you’re a local architect, and you’ve just netted yourself a major client: a national corporation who wants you to design their new offices in your city. Excited, you get to work right away and soon have a several potential plans to show their executives back at their home office. You head down to your local UPS office to ship them, and…wow.

You get the picture. And whether or not you’re an architect, if you have any sort of information to send (images, video, documents, etc.) sending it over the Internet is probably the most cost-effective method available to you (because, you know, it doesn’t involve airplanes).

If your files are small enough (usually 10MB or so), email is definitely the way to go. But any bigger (nearly always the case when it comes to business) and email just won’t cut it.

You probably already know what I’m going to say next, but I’ll say it anyway: if you want to send large files (or receive large files) the easiest, cheapest solution is a managed file transfer solution like FilesDIRECT. Send files up to 2GB with no software to download. No couriers. No waiting. No increased shipping costs.

Who knew “No” could be so nice?

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